Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our little family

A little over two and a half years ago I adopted a kitten that had been rescued. The woman that found him and his siblings thought someone was dumping garbage in the woods across from her house. When she went out a few hours later to investigate and pick it all up, she heard kittens crying. Looking around she found a black plastic bag shredded and kittens rushing towards her. She gathered them all up and took them inside. The next day, her and her friend (who happened to work for an animal protection agency) went out to see if they could find anything that would indicate who did it. They heard another kitten and looked up to find one stuck high in a tree. They got a cherry picker and got the poor little guy down. This would be the one I ended up adopting.

When I got him home, I found out that he was, and still is, terrified of plastic bags. I named him Kabuki and he has been my baby ever since. He's 22 lbs and huge! Yes, he's a little fat, but he's long and tall.

He's just so pretty!
Kabuki and Panther
Panther was adopted from a local animal shelter in May 2010. He was a birthday present for my amazing boyfriend. Panther, while super snugly and lovable, is a demon. Kabuki may be huge and look like he could hurt you, but Panther actually will!
He went from this...

To this...
To this.
A few months ago, we introduced a new pet to our little family. His name is JackJack.
Don't worry, he has a kitty proof home.

Note the innocent hungry kitties.
Around his cage you can see a reflection. That would be the fiberglass that makes it impossible for the kitties to sink in a claw. Cody (the boyfriend) is so crafty.

And here we are on the ice.

That's our little family, all five of us. And yes, it's staying that way for a long time!

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